10 Frequently Asked Scamp Questions at the Campground

10 Frequently Asked Scamp Questions at the Campground

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10 Frequently Asked Scamp Questions at the Campground

When we purchased our 2020 Scamp 13’ we were sure we made a great decision and looked forward to frequent adventures at interesting campgrounds (see previous article “Why we Bought an RV and Purchased a Small Travel Trailer”).  Once our Scamp was all set up, we thought we would just go quietly about our way and enjoy the many planned trips we had scheduled.  With our Scamp being so small, one might think it would be hardly noticed in the great outdoors.  However, the one thing we never realized, which we quickly found out, is that these cool looking fiberglass egg trailers are a magnet for lots of questions during campground stay overs!  And, many of these questions tend to repeat themselves.  I discuss some of these frequently asked questions below.

  1. What type of trailer is that?
  2. Does it have a bathroom?
  3. Does the Scamp have a shower?
  4. Where do you sleep and how big is the bed?
  5. Does it have a kitchen?
  6. Is it comfortable?
  7. Is it difficult to tow?
  8. What type of vehicle can tow it?
  9. Where can you buy one?
  10. How much does it cost?

People are usually pretty amazed so many things fit into such a small trailer.  And, sometimes, people want to take a look inside (even during the Pandemic).  We usually open up the shades so they can stare into the many large windows that surround the Scamp and look inside.  However, on one trip, just before driving away from the campground, we did let a woman into the Scamp for a brief look since she wouldn’t leave us alone until she could take a quick peek inside.  The Scamp never fails to impress!

(1) Probably the most asked question, people sizing up the Scamp want to know is what type of trailer it is.  One of the nice things about the stock tire cover is that it lists the name of the trailer as well as the phone number for Scamp.  So, in the past, when people would ask what type of trailer we had, we would simply tell them a Scamp and refer them to the back of the trailer for more details.  Recently, however, we replaced the stock Scamp tire cover with our own Scampgrounds designed tire cover, so we might have a bit more explaining to do in the future when asked this most popular campground question!

(2 & 3) When we explain to people that our Scamp has both a bathroom and a shower in a “wet bath”, we usually have to show them so they can really believe it.  Fortunately, when the Scamp’s front door is open, the bathroom compartment can be seen from the outside (as long as the bathroom door is also open).  Sometimes questions about how the toilet and shower work follow.

(4) People usually approach us during the day, which means that the bed is always hidden (converted into the dinette).  So, when people look through the windows of the Scamp and see the dinette made up, they wonder where we sleep and how big the bed is.  We then explain to them that the kitchen table folds down and forms the base for the bed which is completely flat and covered by the seat and backrest cushions.  Sometimes, a demonstration of how the table folds down helps clarify the answer to this question as well.

(5) The kitchen question is easily answered by removing the stove cover to expose the dual burner stove, followed by a quick demonstration of opening and closing the refrigerator.  These things and the kitchen sink can also be easily seen either by looking through a window or opening the front door.  Some people also ask about what type of food we bring on trips, where we store it, and what we like to cook.  We show them how we pack the small refrigerator with our fruits and vegetables (and other foods that need refrigeration) and how we store boxes of food in the back of our SUV since we don’t have a lot of food storage space inside the Scamp.  Canned salmon, canned soups, tortillas, wraps, bagels, granola, pancake mix/maple syrup, and pastas (with bottled pesto sauce) are some of our camping food staples.

(6) We always tell people that the Scamp 13’ is very comfortable for us (just 2 people), but its comfort would vary depending on how many people and animals are in the Scamp as well as an individual’s lifestyle preferences.  For example, if there are more than 2 people or a large dog, the Scamp could very easily be too small a trailer to enjoy.  Additionally, if someone needs their own space and doesn’t do well in tight quarters, then the environment might be stressful for them.  However, for a couple that can coordinate well together, the Scamp becomes a highly efficient environment!

(7 & 8) One of the greatest things about the Scamp is that it is very easy to tow and can be towed by almost any SUV and many cars.  Since it weighs less than 2,000 lbs. (weights vary) and is so short (13’), it is very easy to maneuver and fits in the smallest of travel trailer campsites.  And, finding a tow vehicle for such a small and light travel trailer is easy.  See my previous article:  “How Easy is Towing a Small Travel Trailer for the First Time?”.

(9 & 10) When people ask about how to order a Scamp and its cost, we refer them to Scamp’s website.  We tell them that they can order a Scamp on the phone through the factory directly (since there are no Scamp dealerships) and that the cost varies depending on the desired options.  We purchased our 2020 Scamp 13’ with bathroom (almost fully loaded) for less than $20K which included delivery (Minnesota to San Diego).  Please see my previous article:  “Ordering Our 2020 Scamp:  Choosing a Model, Picking Options, and the Price”.

Now that we’ve been on a number of trips, including one all the way up the coast from San Diego to Coos Bay, Oregon, we have fielded these top 10 questions many times and feel comfortable educating those interested in the Scamp.  We’ve learned that having such a fun and cool trailer isn’t only about enjoying the adventures, but it’s also about public relations!  So, if you decide to get a small travel trailer, just be warned that not only will you have many really fun times; you will also be getting the responsibility of being a brand ambassador for your trailer!

Disclaimer:  You will get the same great Amazon price by clicking on the links here compared to buying directly on Amazon, but by buying here you will also be supporting the continuation of this website as we get a small commission from each sale.  These are products and procedures we use for our own Scamp that we selected and developed from our own research and experiences.  However, we do not endorse any specific product and cannot guarantee that the products we use are exemplary and the procedures we use are complete, accurate, detail the correct recommended procedures, or apply to your model small travel trailer.  It’s always best to double check with your manufacturer or operation manuals to ensure you are doing everything correctly.